Cryptanalysis and P vs. NP: Unraveling the Secrets of Ciphers and Encryption

Husnain Saeed
2 min readJun 24, 2023

In the world of cryptography, the ability to break ciphers and encryption has always been a fascinating challenge. The pursuit of deciphering secret codes and encrypted messages has led to significant advancements in the field of cryptanalysis. In this article, we delve into the art of cryptanalysis, exploring the process of breaking ciphers, and examining the elusive question of P vs. NP in relation to encryption.

  1. The Art of Cryptanalysis: Cryptanalysis, the science of deciphering codes and encrypted messages, requires a deep understanding of various cryptographic techniques. It involves studying the underlying principles, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities of encryption methods.
  2. Types of Ciphers: Ciphers form the foundation of encryption. We explore some common types of ciphers, such as substitution ciphers (e.g., Caesar cipher) and transposition ciphers, along with their characteristics and historical significance.
  3. Analyzing Ciphers: To break a cipher, a cryptanalyst must meticulously analyze its properties. This involves studying patterns, frequencies, and statistical properties of the encrypted message. By leveraging known vulnerabilities and exploiting patterns, cryptanalysts can gain insights into the encryption process.
  4. Known Plaintext Attacks: One powerful technique in cryptanalysis is the known plaintext attack. By having access to pairs of known plaintext and corresponding ciphertext, cryptanalysts…



Husnain Saeed

Husnain : Computer scientist, AI researcher, and Personal Dev Freak. Passionate about pushing technology boundaries, mentoring, and solving complex problems.